I think I'll probably use it more if/when I begin eating meat again. However, tonight we made the Cheesy Grits and they are deeeeee-vine. Go to Amazon to get a copy, or add it to your wishlist for gift receiving purposes. I'm obsessed with the wishlist feature. Yes, there's a very expensive camera on my wishlist. Anyone want to buy it for me?
2. I'm making Pumpkin Cheesecake for MG and my birthday this weekend. I'll share the recipe with you soon. I just thought we needed a little break over here on the mostly nonsense side of things from sweet stuff. This pumpkin cheesecake will knock your socks off though. Seriously.
3. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY THIS WEEKEND! OK, so I don't really get very excited about birthdays. It's just not in my nature. Sorry. Also, I'm going to be 27. 27. I know it's not that old, but I'm so not where I imagined myself being at 27.
MG and I share a birthday, so it's OUR birthday this weekend!
Last year we went out for sushi, it was in our pre-friend phase since we were both new to NC. How much has happened in this past year? It's amazing...and a little strange...and overwhelming.
4. I've started making my Christmas gifts for family. I've promised myself that I'm making something homemade for each person in my immediate family. However, that means I have THREE men to do something for. What can I make them? Why do men make everything difficult? ( : Why do most knitted or crocheted objects end up looking feminine when I make them? Does it have something to do with flowers?
5. Only a few more weeks until I go home to KS for Christmas!
6. Does anyone have T-Mobile? I know this isn't "very exciting" but I'm hesitating with my Verizon decision. AT&T? Anyone?
OK, it's peace out time. I'm watching a movie, doing some laundry, baking the cheesecake and working on a hat.
On the whole Verizon thing, some of the best are a part of it. Michelle, Besser, possibly Rach and I am for the next year or so