August 26, 2009

Prejudice #5


There I said it.

I know perfectly beautiful human beings who choose to partake in the tobacco-nicotine filled inhalation of cigarettes.

It's not for me.

Or for anyone I'm willing to date.

I think I have a sensitivity to smell. Yeah, that's it. That and the teeth thing.

Long-term smoker's teeth are not pretty. And the breath? Please, step away.

I kind of have a teeth thing anyway because I tend to watch a person's mouth while they're talking, so the delightful hue left from cigarette smoke is very unappealing.

Second hand smoke is also mostly likely inevitable, and I am 100% unwilling to smell of ashtray.


PLUS, I'm not really of the personality to just date to date if you know what I mean. I'm not on the prowl for a good date, I want to be in a committed long-term relationship.

So if I saw the relationship going somewhere, I don't want to know that's it's going to end someday when you have complications from smoking. You know, little things like lung cancer, emphysema, other cancers, COPD, heart disease...etc. You know, those things that, um, KILL YOU.

Dead. Which would also kill our love. Which is why it could never exist in the first place.


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