August 24, 2009

Hello Friends!

Please fill in the blank:

I feel strong when ______________________.


Oh, and I'll share with you....

I feel strong when
I have people I wouldn't expect come to me to share personal thoughts, beliefs, experiences, struggles, faith, excitement and joy. I like knowing that I'm trustworthy enough to be an open vessel to take in their words and ask questions and learn more. I like to delve deeper.

I love people.

And I love you. You're a people.



  1. I thought of another one....

    I feel strong when I stand on a stage. ( :

  2. I feel strong when I make a decision that positively impacts my life or the lives of those around me.

    I feel strong when I trust my better instincts.

    I feel strong when I say no to something I don't want to do.
