On Saturday the girls wanted to go to the American Girl Store and Ben (and I) didn't really want to go, so we headed over to the guitar store.
Ben played, I tried to take artsy pictures (which I have not uploaded yet). This story is not about the guitars though it's about that man in the background. The one with his legs crossed.
This man was visiting NYC from Israel. He's shopping for a guitar and just checking it all out. Anyways, I was obviously with Ben and the two guys were chatting when the man asked me how Ben and I knew each other. The conversation went something like this:
Man: How do you know each other? Are you his girlfriend?
Me: (Laughs) Nope, I'm...
Man: Are you his sister?
Me: No, I'm a friend of his mother's.
Man: (Looks confused.)
Me: His mom and sisters are at the American Girl store and we didn't want to go, so we came here. I'm traveling with his family so there's another adult on the trip.
Man: You're an adult?
Me: (Laughs) Yes.
Man: How old are you? (Looks very confused)
Me: 26
Man: REALLY? I thought you were 16.
SIXTEEN. This man thought I was still a teenager. Awesome.
Now, this may have been flattering if I were 30 or 40, but I have enough trouble as it is passing for a college graduate let alone a 20-something. I was not flattered.
This is a current picture (taken the day before):
Do I look 16 to you? NO.
NO, is the correct answer.
Thank you for affirming that I look like an adult.
you do not look 16 and Kyle agrees. So that's two votes for "that guy is an idiot"