February 10, 2010


So, an update since my confession post a week ago.

It's been seven days. Did you tell someone about me?

How about you?

Do you hate me?

I didn't think so. Except you're not doing me any favors either. Go on! Tell someone. You know single men. That person who's tickling at the back of your brain..."Maybe ________ and Amy would go well together."

It's all making a connection, perhaps it's not the right person. I'm cool with that. Perhaps it IS the right person. I'm cool with that. Like, really cool with that.

You're a pretty swell person, you know?

Will flattery get me anywhere?

OK, fine. How about cookies?

Well, show me some love and I'll show you some love. 
Perhaps heart sprinkles will be included. 
(Post about these cookies coming soon. They are delish!)

P.S. This is going to be a very boring social experiment with my life if you don't help me out. And I'm going to just keep talking and talking and talking and talking and talking about it. Please give me something interesting to say.


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