February 23, 2010

Day Six: Hawaii

I spent the day with yours truly.

That's right. Me. Myself. And I.

Sarah was at work all day. She worked at her day job testing some H2O and then went to her night job waiting tables at Pinky's.

Pinky's is the name of the restaurant. It makes me think of Pinky's Hefty Hideaway in Hairspray, but Sarah says most people think it's a strip club or some other such nonsense.

So I went to the beach. Then once I felt sufficiently sunburned I came home where I sat in bed and ate a pineapple and macadamia nuts. And Cheetos. I think they put something addictive in the powdered cheese of Cheetos because I may have just finished them off. Oh, I also watched 30 Rock and edited pictures of yesterday, so I could give you some more from our underwater adventures and some sunset pictures.

Then we saw the pièce de résistance.
The sea turtle! The honu! 
(That's Hawaiian for sea turtle.)

We were just swimming along and then we looked to the right and BAM! a sea turtle was swimming by! IT WAS SO COOL.

It was just like being in National Geographic. Exactly like that. 100%.

So part of the reason they say that Hanauma Bay is a tourist trap is because of the quantity of tourists who are there.
This is when we arrived (around 8:00am)
This is when we left (around 1:00pm):
Get there early. That's the lesson. Because this was a not to be missed experience. I have never seen water so blue and sea life so close. Once more people arrive you have to go out further to avoid running into someone around every bend.

OK, now you've been underwater with Sarah and me. Next, we'll do some sunset. Try to contain your joy.
Sarah and Ryan. I like them. 

The end.

I hope you had an excellent Monday!

(Credit to Sarah for the underwater pictures.)

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