February 19, 2010

Day Two: Hawaii

I really have nothing to tell you.

Today I woke up at 5:38am. Of course I didn't get out of bed until 6:30, then I was too late to watch the sun rise. Which was OK since it was cloudy and the sun was being a bit fickle today.

Then I went for a walk. I walked from around 7:15-9:45. (Am I boring you yet?)

Then I sat down and stayed in the same place until 2:11pm. Yes, I didn't move except to roll over, lay down, sit up, take off my cover-up, put on my cover-up and push my sunglasses up so I didn't get raccoon eyes.

It was quite eventful.

All of this happened while Sarah was sleeping since she worked from 7:00pm last night until 7:00am this morning. 

After she woke up and I walked back to the house, we went for a hike. 

These are called the Mokes. Tah-dah!


And tomorrow...more beach time!
(I'm sorry, I'm not trying to rub it in...but, I MIGHT BE THE LUCKIEST PERSON EVER! OK, maybe not ever, but it sure feels like it right now.)

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