What do you do at slumber parties?
Truth or dare? Paint toenails? Prank Calls?
I had a Tarot Reading done by my friend Theresa.
She's a little kooky. I like that about her.
I still don't really know much about Tarot, so I consulted Wikipedia (the source of all knowledge). Theresa uses a Rider-Waite set of cards.
In the general information about Tarot page I learned that the cards were originally used for playing games (from the 15th-18th centuries). It wasn't until around 1781 that tarot became associated with mysticism and magic.
ooooOOOOoooo....magic. Like Harry Potter. (I'm sorry.)
The Rider-Waite set is the most popular and the illustrations are from 1909.
It's very interesting, but I'm still a skeptic.
After Theresa had a warm-up session, I had my reading.
I chose to have my Tarot told about my future and love.
Pick up your jaw, you're not shocked.
First things first. I cut the deck and Theresa set out the cards. They have different meanings if they're right side up or upside down. (I don't think I could have even influenced the right-side, up-side of any of the cards, but you know...it's an experience.)
The first card is about me and it's a Two of Swords.
The description is that the woman is blind in her situation, but she is safe, not only unafraid, but centered. She wields powerful weapons, but they are not held in a position that is threatening to her or anyone else.
What that basically means is that I'm pretty much fantastic.
On top of the fact that I'm awesome, I'm covered by the Hanged Man.
The Hanged Man has attained some growth on his journey through life, yet he must ultimately learn to stand on his own to achieve perfection.
(I have no idea what most of this means.)
So this is what Theresa told me: I'm intelligent and creative, confident and wise.(duh.) AND the Hanged Man means that I know what I want from a relationship and I'm not going to settle for less. (duh, again.)
To the right (the location has some significance, but I don't know what.) is the Eight of Swords.
A woman is tied and blindfolded within a cage of swords. This is the "damned if you do, damned if you don't," card. The person receiving the reading is in a situation where they're afraid to move. If they move, they'll get cut. However, the ropes that bind them, the blindfold over their eyes, are their own fears, keeping them still, immobile. And so the longer they stay, the more they constrain and entrap themselves.
Umm...is that me and love?
To the left is the Two of Wands.
The Two of Wands card means courage and daring. It has the message of striking out on a journey or new path. The time is right to be bold and creative. If you are in a moment of doubt, this card tells you to make your move. You have the power in your hands; now is the time to find courage to use it.
Doesn't everyone want to hear that? Yeah. I like it.
And I don't know what the other cards mean. But, Theresa told me that I'm going to marry a physician and everyone around me will be supportive and great. So all of you un-supportive losers, get out of my life! (ha!)
Why am I skeptical? Well, I just am. But, when I think about this seriously, I do think that everything you're telling me is what someone else would like to hear too, right? So, why is it special just for me?
Then I had my last card, which is basically the final outcome:
mental illness is in my future.
I'm taking this very seriously and apparently so is Missy.
Theresa, is that MY mental disease and illness or my significant other's mental illness?
REALLY? And now I'm going to believe this crap?
My life is now being juggled by Tarot cards and a Magic 8 Ball.
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