Perhaps I'm mis-interpreting. Perhaps I'm not.
Perhaps you have no idea what I'm talking about.
I take things personally. It's my nature. I'm sensitive.
This might (or might not) surprise you. I'm a crier. It's my empathy. It takes over and I don't know what to do. My skin is thin, I try to suck it up, but it's not natural.
I can't help it. As far back as I can remember I worry about what other people are thinking. Not what they're thinking about me, but what they're thinking about what I said: Did I hurt his/her feelings? Did I offend you? More often, it's my reaction to other people. I know things aren't right. (Maybe I can read energy. HA!) I know that something caused the reaction you just had and was it me? If it's not me, what is it? I need to know otherwise I think it's me.
Does it seem a bit self-centered to think this? Probably, but I can't help it. I need the complete story. I need to know everything.
Can I know everything?
Am I talking in circles?
OK, I'm quitting now.
(and some real kisses too)
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