As I said, I am NOT rational.
So, when I see a man with this. I judge. Well, I don't really judge, it's more that I reject.
Wearing rings.
Like on his hands. I don't know what it is, I just find this unappealing.
I'll admit to checking the left ring finger of pretty much every man I meet/see. A ring=taken. I'm cool with that. I don't even think negatively of this.
It's the other rings that slay me. SLAY. Who am I, "I have been slayed by a ring"?
Please, help me now.
Class rings, pretty rings, GOLD rings, silver rings--ick. I don't like them.
Except on this one guy I met once, but he was a musician and the ring (only one on the middle finger) was really cohesive with his whole look.
Or maybe he was just REALLY appealing.
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