July 5, 2011

The Bun

In January I told you there was a bun in the oven. He's getting bigger.
I showed you some pictures of people a couple of weeks ago.
I've been taking a lot more intentional pictures of people.
Like a "photo shoot."
I put "photo shoot" in quotes because mine are faux-photo shoots. I'm still a learner.
You may have noticed I take a lot of pictures of food and flowers and cats and inanimate objects. People are not inanimate objects.
DSC_0767.jpg DSC_0767.jpg
Taking pictures of people doing something isn't bad. Exciting moments: weddings, graduations, working, parties, sports and all kinds of events.
Taking pictures of people being people? Hard. Difficult. I don't know how to direct them. What should you do? Well, um, why don't you, um, you could, um, try standing this way or sitting that way, nope that doesn't work.
Hi, I'm awkward.
Oh well, I guess the awkwardness will work it's way out as long as I keep practicing.

Dear Baby,
Your mommy is silly. Luckily you'll have your totally awesome Auntie Amy to maintain some sanity in your life. 

Or not. 
I love you already, nephew. 
Auntie Amy

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