This is part of my 2014 non-resolution-resolution to Get Your (my) Shit Together.
I think I should probably call it my "Life Plan," but the 12-months of 2014
seems more manageable than say, oh, the next 50 years.
Hi, friends. I have been dying for a little creative time. I will let days weeks months go by and I'll realize I haven't done one thing that fulfills the little crafty/creating/doing part of my mind. And pinning things on Pinterest [while inspiring] doesn't count as actually doing anything creative.
Are you right or left brained? I took a quiz. I'm on the right side, but close to the middle. I'm not surprised since my learning style is visual and but I require structure I need to function successfully. Plus a whole bunch of other crap about me that you don't need to read in minute detail. You're welcome.
While I was home for Christmas break, I crocheted and sewed a couple of gifts and the loss of not doing those things for basically the past year smacked me upside the head. Even though this realization was way back in December, I haven't actually changed any of my habits. Oh human nature, how I loathe thee sometimes.
While I was home for Christmas break, I crocheted and sewed a couple of gifts and the loss of not doing those things for basically the past year smacked me upside the head. Even though this realization was way back in December, I haven't actually changed any of my habits. Oh human nature, how I loathe thee sometimes.
The question I keep coming back to is "how do I change?" Trust me, I'm really good with excuses. I make a plan and then it needs to be changed because I can somehow sort it all out in my head that something else is more important. This is a systemic problem with all those things on my list:
1. Food/diet, 2. Exercise, 3. Men, 4. Work, 5. Homework/School, 6. Creative Things
Time management is not sometime I excel at and it's a big factor in at least five of those goals, maybe all six. Granted, several parts of life overlap in this list and the creative stuff is no exception. When I start to figure out exactly how I'm gonna get my shit together I've got to break it down.
What makes me feel creative?
The list of things that leave me feeling like I've gotten to use the right side of my brain is long. As you may have gathered if you've been around here for awhile [or if you're a total stalker and have read all those old posts] I have a short attention span when it comes to projects. (-:
My list of creative things that make me feel creative:
taking pictures, blogging, writing, hand lettering quotes, sewing things, embroidering, crocheting, knitting, making things with paper, baking, singing, editing pictures, cooking, découpaging, painting, gluing things together, painting my nails...
What do I want to do?
This is the difficult question. What do I want to do about it? I want to set aside a few hours a week where I actually stop the I Should Be Doing ____________ message that runs rampant in my head. [Example: I gave myself permission today to sit for the duration of my computer battery and blog and drink a latte. During this time I have reminded myself 3 times to not open the link to school stuff. I have spent 20 minutes searching for jobs before reminding myself that this is not the time for that. I can't even count the number of times I have just said "NO" to those ding-dang Shoulds. Jerks.]
The specifics of what I'm trying to say: take 2-3 hours 3 days a week and don't do school work.
Be creative.
Have fun.
Make things.
Write things.
Be creative.
Have fun.
Make things.
Write things.
[I can't find the source for this. the link from pinterest
doesn't give credit to the artist. BOO. can anyone help?]
As I get into the other items on my list [hopefully sooner rather than later since it's already February], I want to be more specific about time management and creating structure for myself and all that jazz.
What questions am I not asking myself? What makes you feel creative? How do you find time for it?
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