September 3, 2009


Just an update on my t-shirt craft-i-tude.

I bought this shirt (a 5-pack for $8):

(Please ignore the gigantic mess of a table it's sitting on, I was too lazy to clean much besides the corner I was crafting in. Can a round table have a corner? I think not.)

I saw this post on Young House Love on Monday.

It's a freebie! The featured seller is on Etsy and you should check it out. Later though.

About half-way down I saw this:

Isn't that beautiful? Inspirational? Wouldn't it make a great t-shirt?

Yup. That's what I thought.

So, I got to it.

Yes, I went with blue.

And after a washing and drying the quality came out pretty well:

I actually like it.


Will I wear it? Maybe? We'll see.

Now, I'm thinking of more stuff to put on the other shirts...oooOOOoooo the possibilities.

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