June 25, 2011


The other update is still accurate, but I'm adding to the story.

I'm in Tennessee.
Havin' an adventure.
Rockin' my socks off.
I haven't been in Tennessee since I was in McPherson Arts Council Children's choir back in 6th grade. That was about...16 years ago. I barely remember it. Tennessee reminds me a lot of North Carolina. I will even confess to saying "y'all" once or twice. I don't know what's gotten into me either. 

I'm here through Brethren Disaster Ministries. Ashland City is just outside of Nashville and if you heard about the flooding in May 2010, you probably didn't hear about the significant flooding from the Cumberland River downstream from Nashville. 
[I'm going to recommend mute if you feel the same way I do about Nickelback.]

Thus far, I am the painting queen. You can sing that to the tune of "Dancing Queen" if you'd like. I did. We're rebuilding two homes from the ground up. And the "up" is literal, one is twelve feet off the ground [here are some photos of that from facebook] and the other is six. I've spent most of my time at the H-House [as opposed to the F-House] and have been able to meet and spend some time with the homeowners which really makes the experience much more authentic and meaningful. 

Both houses are at about the same point in construction. Walls are getting painted, floors are about ready to be installed then kitchens and all the details to make a house a home. I'm excited to be around long enough to [hopefully] get to see some completion. 

Each week we have a different group come in. Week one was a crew from Southern Ohio, next week is youth and more groups are coming after that. As you may know, I'm a bit of an introvert and ever-so-slightly socially awkward, so new people each week both delights and terrifies me. You never know what kind of hooligans totally awesome people are going to volunteer for disaster recovery. (-:

It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don't use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that's how freedom grows.For everything we know about God's Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That's an act of true freedom.
-Galatians 5:13-14,The Message

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