April 24, 2012

Product Testing: A Year Later

Sorry to the men who read this nonsense, but this might be a little much for you.

I'm giving you the warning now. I'm starting a series all about girly stuff...detailed, graphic [OK, maybe not so graphic], but definitely detailed girly stuff. Use your imagination, you're probably right, that's what I'm talking about. I'll always use a page break so you'll be properly warned because there will still be other fun stuff happening up in this joint too.
( :

That was your warning.

Don't click the link below.

Welcome women.

Remember about a year ago when I started talking about The DivaCup? If not, feel free to catch up.
Product Testing
Product Testing, part 2
Product Testing, SOS

And we're back.

I've been using the DivaCup for a year now and I am SMITTEN. I LOVE IT! Seriously, I don't know what the heck I was thinking before I started using the DivaCup.

TMI warning:  I had to use a tampon the other day in a tragic I-just-want-to-work-out-why-are-you-early-period? moment. It messed me up. My body did what it always did when I used tampons, it clenched up and I felt the tampon the entire time, got crampy and it was very unpleasant. I don't think I realized to the full extent how it felt in my body until I didn't feel it for about 11 months. Then, BAM!, it was back and I hated it.

So I never want to have to use a tampon again.

I just thought you should know.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask!


  1. YAY! I'm so glad that you have made the switch! So much more healthy!

    I have tried the Instead SoftCup for a couple of activities, and it also worked... but I'm still only using my Diva for all other times.

    1. (-:

      what's the softcup? i'll have do some research...one can never know too much!
