June 2, 2013

MegB and EmmyT

You might remember MegB from her stalking story. Yes, I had a stalker and then we became BFF. Don't think that I condone stalking or becoming friends with your stalkers because I don't. She just charmed me with board games and coffee.
Apparently it's easy to worm your way into my heart.

EmmyT and I grew up together in McPherson. We were friendquaintances [more than acquaintances  but not besties] until we both moved back to Mac and I was in desperate I-NEED-FRIENDS-WHO-AREN'T-COLLEGE-STUDENTS mode and she was in I-JUST-MOVED-BACK-TO-KANSAS-AND-NEED-TO-DRINK-COFFEE-AND-HAVE-FRIENDS mode.

So we bonded.
Also, I didn't really drink coffee until these two came into my life. I was a chai girl, freals. Big Train Chai was my beverage of choice. BOOM.

In 2013, one lives near Chicago and the other in DC and they both came to Indianapolis so we could spend time laughing together.

And laugh we did.
And drink coffee we did.
Oh and we ate a lot of food. [mostly not pictured]
EmmyT did not give into our peer pressure and call in sick to work. What's the dealio? Yes, we're good friends, why do you ask? So on Sunday evening she headed back up to the Windy City and we headed to my favorite quiet place.
Now I'm in summer school taking chemistry and nutrition. Be jealous of my awesome life.

I love these ladies!

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