February 27, 2018

ten things

(1): I CANNOT STOP GIGGLING. [if you don't want to watch the whole thing the first 2 minutes are PRICELESS]

(2): I'm in the process of breaking up with my DevaCurl. I was so happy for so long and now...BUILDUP. I haven't completely decided if we're just taking a break or breaking-up. I'll let you know what I find out, but right now I'm loooooooving a natural product! I've been on an 8-week hiatus and I may just try my Deva again and say "Nevermind! I still love it." But maybe not?

(3): I made a quinoa casserole the other day and did a step-by-step on the Instagram. It in my saved stories if you go to my profile on IG. It's loosely based on this recipe: White Pizza Quinoa Casserole

(4): I'm thinking about ordering this dress:
Thoughts? Feelings? It's so pretty, right? I'm still 100% into all florals all the time.

(5): Today I went to a furniture consignment store, two Goodwill stores, Pier 1, Target, and Marshalls.  AND I DIDN'T PURCHASE ANYTHING BECAUSE I DIDN'T NEED ANYTHING I SAW. Is this what adulting is like?

(6): I've been reading smutty romance novels again, but I found this author named Tessa Dare and I love that she writes historical romance novels where THE WOMEN ARE BOLD AND SASSY AND DON'T TAKE ANY CRAP. Are they historically accurate? Nope. Is the story line making my brain work? Nope. Do I care? Nope.

(7): At the beginning of last summer, I decided I was going to read more and I was going to read books by women. I've been going strong since June 2017. You can see [most] of what I've read in the books tab above.

(8): I'm so excited [and nervous] to get my backyard started with some projects. I feel like I had a pretty good start with my garden last year, but I need to move it to a sunnier area of my yard. This has me debating WHERE exactly to put it. Maybe several smaller plots?

(9): Have you ever built your own garden boxes? I think I'd like to not have elevated beds, but it'll help keep things contained AND help keep Dame Judi out of the garden. What's the best material?

(10): I finally found a utensil holder and I looooooooove it. I found it at Kroger. WHAT? Yup. It's from the pantry by twine line. I bought the large Textured Ceramic Canister. It's so pretty, y'all.
Isn't it LOVELY?


  1. I appreciate Tessa Dare as well. She does a good job with realistic bold female characters where a lot of her contemporaries heroines turn out really cringey.

    And the dress is a hard "yaaaaaaassss".

  2. I can't believe someone else knows what I'm talking about! and the dress! I'm working so hard at limiting my wardrobe, but that gorgeous thing is at the front of my mind...
