July 16, 2010

An Homage

We said goodbye to Molasses yesterday.
It was a sad day in this kitty house-hold.

As you may remember, there was no love lost between Sassy Molassy and myself. That one time when he peed on my laundry. Or when he ate the cushions off my headphones...three times. Or him jumping on the counters. Or running out the front door when my arms were full of groceries.

Hopefully, he's grown past his kitten-antics wherever his spirit is now. Either that or they have more patience than I posses.
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That said there were plenty of other fun times. Cuddling in bed. Chasing the laser light. (He chased; MG, Megan or I operated the light.) Playing with the other kitties. Pouncing on his chicken. Carrying around toys begging anyone or any of the other cats to play with him. Laying outside the bathroom in the anticipation of you coming out. Watching me bake from atop his stool.







Oh, Mo, you will be missed here at the 915.

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